Monday, July 24, 2017

Too Sunkissed: Sunburns

The temptation of falling asleep outside on the beach is great in the summertime (except in some lucky parts of the world). You peel off all the worries of your day, take off those restrictive clothes, and doze off under the suddenly bountiful rays of the Sun. After all, it's a good source of vitamin D!

Then, you wake up looking like your skin was composed of raw bacon and itching like the sting of a thousand mosquitos.

Herbert Draper's The Lament for Icarus (1898)
 At the end of the day, Frank was so burnt his family had to drive all the way to the beach to pick him up. Literally.

You won't look as handsome as the man in the picture above. And the only women you'll be seeing are nurses if you get a severe sunburn that results in chills or a fever.

Sunburns are quite common during the summertime and can range from a slight peeling and/or redness of the skin ("Time to get me some of that aloe vera gel from Nature's Republic. EXO is sponsoring it!") to a large sac of pus that requires a visit to the nearest hospital ("You look like you have a small jar of honey on your chest.").

Without further ado, let's take a look at how one treats a sunburn and safe sun exposure.

Georges Pierre Seurat's Une Baignage, Asnieres (1884)
The sun is as round as a lemon, and the sky is as blue as a robin. Who'd want to stay indoors?

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